Friday, February 26, 2021

Tart cherry & banana sleep smoothie

Cherries are one of the richest known sources of melatonin, the sleep hormone that recent studies have shown can also help reverse the effects of aging, while bananas contain loads of magnesium, a calming mineral. Lastly, soy milk is high in tryptophan, the sleep-inducing amino acid. 

  • 1 cup tart cherry juice 
  • 1/2 banana 
  • 1/2 cup soy milk or 4-6 oz soy yogurt (if using soy yogurt, add an additional 1/2 cup fat-free milk) 
  • 5 ice cubes 
  • 1/4 tsp pure vanilla extract 

Combine the cherry juice, banana, milk or yogurt with fat-free milk, ice and vanilla in a blender. Blend until smooth.

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